twenty-two opportunities


Nebraska authorities made 22 arrests in April and May as part of a national effort to put child predators behind bars.

Those of us who have been through the meat grinder that is our justice system know what those 22 and their families are experiencing. We know kind words and encouragement can ease that overwhelming fear. 
Those 22 have been dealing with the terror for two or three months already. Think back to what it would have meant to you to be able to talk to someone who had already been through this mess, to someone who did not think you were a monster, to someone who was living proof that you could get through this.
This is an opportunity for us to make a difference in the life of any of someone who needs that difference.
If you know any of those 22 people, reach out. Send an encouraging note. Drop off something for supper or a gift card for carryout. Let them know you are thinking of them without judgment. 
Tell them about Nebraskans Unafraid and that we are working on their behalf to change the laws that torment sex offenders and their families.
Let them know that you wish them well.
~ marie
Notes from the Handbasket

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